Follow the Recipe

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One of my favorite ways to cook is to create, which means I do not follow any recipe. Whatever I find in the refrigerator or pantry that looks interesting or exciting is going in!


This type of Cooking/Creating has led to a few epic dishes that everyone loves but the overwhelming majority of the time it ends up as dog food!


Here is the key to going off the reservation and not using a recipe; if I have made this dish many times and feel comfortable with it, I will then experiment with many other […]

[Pod Cast]Ed Carcarey/Master The Recipe First

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[Pod Cast]Ed Carcarey/Fire Starters

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What kind of fires are you starting and stoking?

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There is nothing like sitting around a campfire with family and friends, even if it’s only in the backyard! Something happens to us on the inside while watching the fire dance…it’s hypnotic and peaceful.


Fire can also be destructive and deadly. Where I live in California, wildfires have been ravaging the State. They are out of control, unpredictable and have no mercy on people, animals, homes or the land.


There are two types of Fire just like there are two types of people. The first one Helps and Heals while the second one […]

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