Be Faithful even with the small stuff

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“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10 NLT


Everyone wants to start with the big stuff. We want it all given to us at the beginning so we don’t have to struggle and pay the price. We want CHEAP and EASY!


One of the men from our church came to me one day and asked if he could do one of the sermons on a Sunday Morning. I […]

[Pod Cast] Ed Carcarey/ Can You Be Trusted

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Anchor’s Aweigh is part of the Navy fight song that represents the call to bring up the Anchors and get going!


This should be your song to get you started for this New Year.


An Anchor was created to temporarily keep a ship stopped in one location, but it was never intended to be a bottom feeder as its purpose.


In the next two weeks, I want you to take inventory of your relationships and decide which ones are anchors. These are the ones that are helping you to stay in the same […]

Anchor’s Aweigh

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