Legacy Building [Pod Cast]

8:00 am
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What will your Legacy Be?

8:10 am
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As a young man, I never thought much about Legacy or the day that we will stop living.  Now as an older man, on the back nine of life, I think a lot about what I’ve done or haven’t done with my life.


How about you? What will your work and life add up to? When we pass from this world what will people

say about us and will there be any evidence of our lives outside of our children?


Is your job, clients, family, neighborhood, church and City better off now because of […]

Stalled in the Fast Lane

8:00 am
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Jump Start Your Job

8:00 am
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As my wife and I were sitting in heavy traffic at a traffic light, we noticed the car next to us had stalled. You could see the panic on the young woman’s face as she frantically tried turning the key with no results.
The cars behind them were starting to honk as the light turned green but that car was not responding. I jumped out to help push them out of the way, and my wife took our car off to the side.
Since their car was a stick shift, I told the driver to pop the […]

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