Live with Purpose & Passion

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Purpose & Passion

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What drives you? All of us are driven by something, and most of it drives us to being Average! Understanding your Purpose is the most important factor in discovering who and why you are.


Your Purpose is the reason why you are here (in this exact time, city, job, and family) and why you are who you are (personality, social style, skills, and abilities).


Once you understand that Purpose has nothing to do with you, but was given to you for the benefit of those you were created to serve, you are on your way to […]

[Pod Cast] Ed Carcarey/You are in Dereliction of Duty

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Dereliction of Duty

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In 1983 I should have been brought up on charges of Dereliction of Duty while serving at my first base as a Security Police Officer!  My friends and I decided not to obey an order to stay on base over our days off and instead snuck out to go drinking.

We were all caught and only reprimanded because there were too many of us and it would have affected the readiness of the mission to put 25 men in jail from the same flight.

In the Military Dereliction of Duty is a very serious offense and in all […]

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