What is your GPA?

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I graduated High School by the skin of my teeth with a 1.5 GPA and was in the bottom 10% of the class. When I tell this to people most ask if I had a learning disability and I tell them I had many self-inflicted disabilities: Laziness, Entitlement Mentality, Rebellious and Immature!


In each of my classes, except for lunch and gym, I did just enough to pass. This meant not bringing work home, not studying, and never doing more than the minimum requirement!


Take a guess as to how many colleges and companies […]

[Pod Cast] Ed Carcarey/Thankful is a Shallow Feeling!

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Thankful isn’t enough!

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Being Thankful is only the beginning! The problem is we throw the word around so we can tell ourselves that we are living a full life… It’s a Lie!


Thankful is just a shallow FEELING. It is a good start, but it will NOT last.  Like any feeling, it will fade from our lives due to the stresses, busyness, and pressures we face day to day.


Far too many of us are being Thankful only when good happens to us or at certain holidays.


Feelings are temporal and totally based on what’s happening […]

Legacy Building Pod Cast

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