Extreme Mental Makeover

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Extreme Makeover

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At the end of each football season, I would do an Extreme Makeover on my body. The year was long and grueling, and by the time we were done playing my body would be in bad shape.


During a long season, you tend to pick up bad habits, cut corners and rationalize why it’s okay to start eating badly. By the time football ended I was sporting a pear shape instead of a V shape body.


You could say I had furniture disease…Basically, my chest dropped to my drawers!


A bodybuilding friend turned […]

Ed Carcarey {Pod Cast] Naked and Afraid

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All Your Heart

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The fastest and easiest way to be average or fail is to do things halfheartedly. Common sense demands that if you are going to do something then do it With All Your Heart!


As a young man, I would only give All my Heart to things I wanted to do or liked. Everything else I was sleepwalking through with little to no energy, enthusiasm, effort or interest.


High School, most of my military service, and the first two years of working in sales were all done halfheartedly at best.


The worst part of this time […]

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