Thankful isn’t enough!

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Being Thankful is only the beginning! The problem is we throw the word around so we can tell ourselves that we are living a full life… It’s a Lie!


Thankful is just a shallow FEELING. It is a good start, but it will NOT last.  Like any feeling, it will fade from our lives due to the stresses, busyness, and pressures we face day to day.


Far too many of us are being Thankful only when good happens to us or at certain holidays.


Feelings are temporal and totally based on what’s happening to me. Feelings are shallow and selfish.


Your feelings of being Thankful MUST evolve into being Grateful!


Grateful is NOT a feeling it is an intentional way of life! It is an Action, not reaction.


Living your life intentionally requires that you not be lulled into the trap by temporary feelings. You must take Grateful action every day regardless as to what is happening to you.


Most of us are Thankful when life is good, and people are good to us but being Grateful does not rely on good happening to us.


Grateful is a state of life that is proactive and not based on current events going on around us.


The problem today is we are waiting for reasons to be Grateful which puts us in a place to be disappointed and frustrated.


A Thankful life must evolve into a Grateful life. To do this, we MUST be Grateful Intentionally today. We must look for opportunities to be more than shallow words of Thankful and grow them into Actions of Gratefulness!


Being Grateful is an outward action directed at others for the sole purpose of serving without receiving.


Being Thankful is based on receiving from others and is all about how they made you feel. As I said this is a start, BUT it isn’t enough!


Let’s stop waiting for life to do good to us so we can experience the shallow feeling of Thankfulness and instead intentionally be Grateful to those around us regardless of how we FEEL.




                                    Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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