Extreme Makeover

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At the end of each football season, I would do an Extreme Makeover on my body. The year was long and grueling, and by the time we were done playing my body would be in bad shape.


During a long season, you tend to pick up bad habits, cut corners and rationalize why it’s okay to start eating badly. By the time football ended I was sporting a pear shape instead of a V shape body.


You could say I had furniture disease…Basically, my chest dropped to my drawers!


A bodybuilding friend turned me on to an extreme diet plan that would shed the weight off in a quick period of time.  I would use this plan to jump-start my off-season so I could get back into shape and build my strength back on a good foundation.


This diet shocked my body into losing about 20 pounds in two weeks, but if it was a really bad year, I would do it for four weeks to reach my desired goal.


The offseason tended to be short, so I had to do something extreme to get into football shape quickly.


There were always other people waiting to take my starting spot on the team, and they were not taking time off, so it motivated me to do whatever was needed to stay in the game at peak performance.


You can use this same Extreme Makeover for your attitude, in the same way I did for my weight.


A bad attitude has the same results on you as a bad body shape will. It will slow you down, get you replaced, affect your pocketbook, attract the wrong people into your life, close the doors of opportunity and make you unattractive (UGLY)!


There is no time to delay in making an attitude adjustment. You can start today and within two weeks shed 20 pounds of stinkin thinkin!


For the next 14 days go on an Extreme Mental diet: No TV, Facebook, Newspapers, Radio or Negative Friends. They are junk food, and right now you need to go cold turkey to shock your system.


You can only consume Inspirational, Motivational and Training material over this time period. Once you do this, you will be amazed at how good you feel and how different the world and your job look!




                                                 Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Lie!

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