All Your Heart

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The fastest and easiest way to be average or fail is to do things halfheartedly. Common sense demands that if you are going to do something then do it With All Your Heart!


As a young man, I would only give All my Heart to things I wanted to do or liked. Everything else I was sleepwalking through with little to no energy, enthusiasm, effort or interest.


High School, most of my military service, and the first two years of working in sales were all done halfheartedly at best.


The worst part of this time of my past was that I thought I was in the right to be like this. I felt like the world owed me something and since I was not getting what I thought I was entitled to it was okay to be lukewarm.


Many of the regrets I have come from not giving all my Heart.


Twenty-five years ago my life radically changed when I changed my attitude and way of thinking about the world.


The goal today is to bring as much Energy, Enthusiasm, and Effort to everything we get involved with or say yes to.


You cannot start a fire by casually rubbing two sticks together. No, it takes an Enormous amount of Effort to create a Fire with nothing but sticks and rocks.


Have you ever watched one of the survivalist shows on TV where they try for days to create fire? They put everything they have into this because it is essential for their success in the wild.


It is the difference between living and dying!


The same principle stands in your Job, marriage, raising kids, building a business, going to school or getting into shape. If you want to be successful, you will have to Give All Your Heart to it to create a FIRE.


When your world is Burning (You are giving all your heart to everything you are doing) you create an environment where the impossible becomes possible.


Fire changes everything.


Start today by giving All Your Heart to one area of your life and don’t stop until you create a fire that is out of control!




                  Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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