

8:00 am
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Superman is my favorite super hero. Growing up, I saw him on TV (one of the 3 channels we actually had on TV), in comic books, and even on a special appearance of I Love Lucy! For those of you under fifty, please go ask someone with lots of gray hair to tell you about it before you continue reading.

He was able to do anything: faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap a tall building! No matter what he faced, you knew he was Superman and would overcome—until something […]


11:00 am
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During my years playing football, I used to play racquet ball to help with my side to side quickness and eye hand coordination. It was always a great work out and a lot of fun to play! I assumed that I was a really good player because everyone I played was a beginner, which is why it was fun and why I always won.

One day no one was at the court that I knew, so I challenged an old, out of shape fat guy to play. With a smile on my face, I entered the court, already […]

Playing by the Wrong Rules!

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I loved playing football. It was and still is the only sport that made sense to me. During the off season, I would play basketball to stay in shape, but I was terrible at it. Every time I played basketball, one of three things happened. I would foul out quickly, be ejected from the game or someone would cry for his mommy!

My problem was playing by the wrong rules. I would bring football rules to a basketball game, and that would get me in trouble every time. It might come as a shock to you, but they […]

Stop giving guided tours of your Mountain!

8:00 am
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For hundreds of years, the Israelites were slaves to Egypt. They were forced to work on someone else’s dreams and enslaved to build someone else’s kingdom and future.   Once freed by Moses, they began their journey to realize their dream of being a free people in the Promised Land.

Like most of us starting out on a new goal, desire or dream, they began well but ended up stalled for 40 years in the wilderness. On paper, it tends to look like an easy process to go from working on someone else’s dreams to pursuing […]

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