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During my years playing football, I used to play racquet ball to help with my side to side quickness and eye hand coordination. It was always a great work out and a lot of fun to play! I assumed that I was a really good player because everyone I played was a beginner, which is why it was fun and why I always won.

One day no one was at the court that I knew, so I challenged an old, out of shape fat guy to play. With a smile on my face, I entered the court, already accepting a victory based on my challenger’s pear shaped figure. Within thirty seconds, that smile was wiped off my face as I realized he was light years ahead of me! We played three games and he beat me by a total combined score of 63 to 8. Total humiliation!

I was exposed that day. Up until that game I only played people I could beat, people who I was better than, people who I was COMFORTABLE playing! The lesson I learned that day, after I nursed my crushed ego, was that we play to the level of the people who surround us!

Whether its business, sports, relationships or education we will ONLY become better by “Playing” against people who are better than we are. When we only “Play” against those we can beat, then they grow and we shrink!

Examine your life and decide on at least one area you want to grow. Then go out and find the best person you can in that area and “play” them. In the beginning it will be clumsy and uncomfortable, BUT as you continue to play UP, you will be amazed at how fast you learn and develop!

You need to EXPOSE yourself (Business, finances, relationships, health & education) to people who intimidate you OR, like me, you will be EXPOSED!


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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