Stop giving guided tours of your Mountain!

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For hundreds of years, the Israelites were slaves to Egypt. They were forced to work on someone else’s dreams and enslaved to build someone else’s kingdom and future.   Once freed by Moses, they began their journey to realize their dream of being a free people in the Promised Land.

Like most of us starting out on a new goal, desire or dream, they began well but ended up stalled for 40 years in the wilderness. On paper, it tends to look like an easy process to go from working on someone else’s dreams to pursuing our own dreams. For 40 years, Israel circled Mount Sinai making excuses why they could never have what they had talked and dreamed about for centuries!

What dreams, goals and desires have you been talking about and maybe even started pursuing but ended up stalled somewhere along the way? Whose kingdom and future are you building? What fears have enslaved you to do things you don’t want to do?

Israel was within a week of reaching the Promised Land when they gave up! They were so close to achieving what their nation had dreamed and talked about for centuries. Instead of pressing on, they decided to wander around and give guided tours of the mountain that they allowed to stop them.

I believe history is repeating itself because we sound and act just like them! First we spend countless years “Talking” about the changes we are going to make to better our lives and change our destiny. Then once we finally begin, it usually ends quickly with us giving up at one of the “Mountains” we have to face. The last stage is us spending years making excuses why we will never make it and giving guided tours of our “Mountain” to anyone who will listen to our rationalizations.

We don’t have to be like Israel and wait for 40 years until a new leader arises to take us to our Promised Land. Make a decision today that you will no longer be a slave to your fears or someone else’s dreams. Take action. Even if it is the wrong action, it is better than NO ACTION!

Start your Exodus today.


Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Future!

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