
You’re Fired

12:41 pm
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I was fired one time in my life—twenty five years ago. We had been out of the Military for about a year, and we were in a lot of debt. To make more money, I took on a couple of part time jobs on top of my full time job. One of those part time jobs was delivering newspapers from 2am to 6am every day.

Nine months into working 18 hours a day, I received the call that said You’re Fired from the newspaper job. They said I was making too many mistakes – throwing newspapers to […]

Stop Moving Your Line?

8:00 am
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Life is a Bully! It has no mercy on our agenda, goals, dreams and aspirations. You’ve seen the bumper sticker that reads…Stuff Happens! (Or something close to that).

How many times have you decided to do something different like: losing weight, starting a business, exercising, getting up earlier to start your day, working on your attitude, going back to school at night, writing a book or any other healthy endeavor! Then LIFE throws you a curve ball and we decide to move our line again.

We recalculate our lives the same way your GPS sounds every […]

Good is Your Enemy!

8:00 am
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You and I have an enemy and his name is Good! My first encounter with this enemy was while I was growing up playing sports, but that would only be the beginning of a long love/hate relationship.

I learned that you could become good at something, do and be enough to get by, and then get comfortable. It has happened to me in sports, education, relationships, business, health, finances and a dozen other areas.

The process starts out innocently enough. We strive to be good at something, and we start doing the work and putting in the […]

Don’t Read OR Feed the Trolls!

8:00 am
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Early in my sales and business career, I used to love to listen to, read about and watch political shows. Every time I was in my car, the radio would be on some talk show all day long, and at home the TV would be on a news channel. I started to notice, after listening for a time, that my attitude was changing…For the worse!

Even though I was only listening to shows that I agreed with and believed in, my attitude was slowly becoming more negative. It was not the information from the shows that was […]

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