Purpose & Passion

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What drives you? All of us are driven by something, and most of it drives us to being Average! Understanding your Purpose is the most important factor in discovering who and why you are.


Your Purpose is the reason why you are here (in this exact time, city, job, and family) and why you are who you are (personality, social style, skills, and abilities).


Once you understand that Purpose has nothing to do with you, but was given to you for the benefit of those you were created to serve, you are on your way to realizing why and who!


Why you are here is your Purpose and Who you are to serve is your Passion.


All too many people have stunted Purpose. They believe they are the center of the universe and their why is all about them. These people are driven by power, prestige, popularity, and prosperity.


These are all Good P words, BUT when they are the driving force in your life, they will only lead you to disappointment, depression, dis-ease, and finally destruction of your relationships, health, finances, and attitude.


I promise you this when you follow your Purpose and Passion they will lead you to the greatest adventure of your life.


The best part is that all of those other P words we love so much end up chasing us as we chase our Purpose and Passion.


Your life becomes energized because you have another gear. Everyone else is in the slow lane of life stuck in traffic all fighting to be average, but you are driving in the fast carpool lane.


You were created and born with Purpose and Passion now all you have to do is develop them. You were also born with muscle cells. You cannot see either of these but with some effort and hard work you can grow them.


You will decide if your life will turn out looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Danny DeVito in the movie Twins.


Choose wisely which P words you are following!




                                                   Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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