You’re Fired

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I was fired one time in my life—twenty five years ago. We had been out of the Military for about a year, and we were in a lot of debt. To make more money, I took on a couple of part time jobs on top of my full time job. One of those part time jobs was delivering newspapers from 2am to 6am every day.

Nine months into working 18 hours a day, I received the call that said You’re Fired from the newspaper job. They said I was making too many mistakes – throwing newspapers to the wrong homes, missing entire streets, and my aim was getting really bad! Getting three to four hours of sleep a night over a long period of time will do funny things to your brain.

“You’re Fired” are Donald Trump’s favorite words, and one of our most feared words to hear! No one wants to get fired and worry about it happening to them. What will we do if it happens? How will we survive? Will I find another job, and if not will I be able to keep the house? And the biggest fear of all: will I end up homeless?

These are all legitimate fears and ones I went through after being fired. What if told you that you could “Fire Proof” yourself… or if you were fired, due to the economy, you could get hired immediately?

Ways to Fire Proof yourself:

  1. STOP COMPLAINING about your boss, Job, lack of money and work conditions and START PROMOTING that which your company is doing right. (If your company is not doing anything right then you have a problem OR you are the PROBLEM!)
  2. Fall in Love with what you are doing. You had it at one time and then the Honeymoon wore off. Find the most excited and energized people at the company and start spending some time with them. They are contagious and you need some of what they have. If you are not the one with the energy, then you are one of the energy VAMPIRES of the company. (If you can fall out of love, you can fall back in love.)
  3. Do more than what is asked of you. Stop waiting for your boss to GIVE you a raise or promotion. YOU be the one who EARNS it by DOING the work 1st. YOU DO NOT DESERVE ANYTHING; YOU ONLY DESERVE WHAT YOU EARN!
  4. Become the CIO of your job or company. Chief Inspirational Officer (CIO). This is not dependent on being the boss, making the most money or being there the longest. Come to work and Inspire and Motivate those around you.

Do these four things and YOU will make it RAIN at your company and in the process become “FIRE PROOF”!

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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