Stop Moving Your Line?

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Life is a Bully! It has no mercy on our agenda, goals, dreams and aspirations. You’ve seen the bumper sticker that reads…Stuff Happens! (Or something close to that).

How many times have you decided to do something different like: losing weight, starting a business, exercising, getting up earlier to start your day, working on your attitude, going back to school at night, writing a book or any other healthy endeavor! Then LIFE throws you a curve ball and we decide to move our line again.

We recalculate our lives the same way your GPS sounds every time we miss a turn. I would swear after a number of directional miscues she starts to sound sarcastic when she says…Recalculating! I imagine she is thinking how many times do I have to re adjust to your lack of focus.

Life is going to be unfair to ALL of us but that does not mean it controls us. Too often we use the unfair stuff that hits us as an excuse to move the line in the sand to some future point. It often sounds like this:

As soon as I get my ducks in a row, life in order, have my kids, slow down, and get that promotion, married, un-married, new job and a MILLION other lame excuses that keep us chasing our tail like the neighborhood dog!

Life cannot force you to move your line only YOU can do that! Unfortunately most people will continue moving their line at every obstacle and hardship until, they run out of life. YOU do not have to be this way. Make a decision that no matter what happens today you will stand your ground and not be moved.

Delay maybe but DO NOT EVER QUIT by moving your line forward in time. Start today to change your life: losing weight, starting a business, exercising, getting up earlier to start your day, working on your attitude, going back to school at night, writing a book or any other healthy endeavor.

Stay the course and start swinging back at Life. The only way to beat a Bully is to stand your ground – Do Not Move Your Line!

Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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