
Who have you pushed lately?

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All of the personal growth that I have experienced over the years has come from someone giving me a push!


I know people that would call this bullying, but that would only be because they do not like how they feel when someone turns the light on and reveals our excuses.


A woman in an audience I spoke to came up to me after the speech and said you are a good speaker and could be great, but you are out of shape and fat. She pushed me, but at the time I hated it because […]

Dereliction of Duty

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In 1983 I should have been brought up on charges of Dereliction of Duty while serving at my first base as a Security Police Officer!  My friends and I decided not to obey an order to stay on base over our days off and instead snuck out to go drinking.

We were all caught and only reprimanded because there were too many of us and it would have affected the readiness of the mission to put 25 men in jail from the same flight.

In the Military Dereliction of Duty is a very serious offense and in all […]

Respond now with the Ability you have

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Over 50 years ago a terrible crime happened in broad daylight with many witnesses, and NO ONE did anything to help. A young lady lost her life that day, and our Nation was horrified that we did nothing to stop it!


Our leaders called the best minds in the world together to tell us how and why something like this could happen.


The end result of that study was the term Diffusion of Responsibility. This is a social phenomenon that affects us all and one you will have to Fight against.


Have you seen videos […]

Being involved is the price of Change

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The news this week is filled with students protesting about gun violence.  I applaud their desire to exercise their 1st amendment right to make schools safer.  I do wonder how many of them are involved with helping the thousands of students who commit suicide each year due to bullying.


Being Involved is the price of Change!


Being a Protester/Complainer is the price of Control!


You cannot change the world, or a school, until you change yourself. Anyone can pick up a sign to protest the wrongs they see in the world.


The world […]