
STOP trying to change the World!

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At some point in our lives we all want to change the world! I was so zealous in my younger years that I would spend my nights and weekends trying to Change Everybody. This means I was really trying to make everyone think, believe, talk and act the way I do!

If your version of Changing the World starts with other people, races, nationalities, religions or governments then you, like me when I was younger, really don’t want change the world you want to control the world.

Changing the World is a wonderful dream but it will […]

Burn the Boats!

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In 1519, Hernán Cortés (a Spanish conquistador) with some 600 Spaniards, 16 horses and 11 boats, embarked on a conquest of an empire that hoarded some of the world’s greatest treasure. Gold, silver and precious Aztec jewels were just some of what this treasure had to offer any­one who succeeded in their quest to obtain it.

For over 600 years, many invading armies and conquerors had tried and failed to do what Hernan and his crew were about to try. Hernan did two things that no one else had tried in those 600 years […]

Change or Control

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Many years ago, I used to go out early Saturday mornings to “Change the World” by petitioning, debating, arguing, and holding up signs on busy street corners! These were issues I believed in very strongly, and still do, but I found that no matter how many people I engaged in conversation or debate, NOTHING EVER CHANGED!

YOU cannot Change the World UNTIL you Change YOURSELF first! No matter how great your facts, motives, passion, desire or message is, nothing will ever change until you first change YOU.

In the media today, we see many people petitioning, debating, arguing […]

A Tale of Two Leaders

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While serving in the Military for 8 years and then while being in business for the last 26 years, I’ve witnessed a lot of leadership styles, and most of them can be boiled down to 2 types: Those who wanted to feel good and those who wanted to do good.

During my military days, Staff Sergeant Johnson was a Feel Good Leader. All of his leadership decisions came out of “Good Intentions.” This meant he wanted to be liked, be popular and be one of the team. Johnson had great intentions for the team, and his ideas […]