Rain Dance of Encouragement

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We are experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades where we live. Everything is dry, brown, stunted and brittle. My front yard used to be green, vibrant and soft. On the weekends, I would go out barefoot and throw the football with my son. Walking on the grass used to be fun and energizing. Now we play in the street because I find it too depressing to feel the crunch of what can only be described as dry hay underfoot. All the plants, trees and flowers are learning to get by with little to no water. They are just […]


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There are two ways we can live our lives, and both are based on our focus. The first way is focused on ourselves.  The second way is focused on others. Our focus determines everything about our lives, and a focus on others can bring peace, fulfilment, happiness, mended relationships, and overall contentment.  On the other hand, an internal focus can result in frustration, anger, bitterness, division, and discontentment.  Although in writing everything looks simple, putting this into practice is the hard part! How do we change our focus in a consistent manner? Can we wake up one day and decide […]

Passion is like a PED (Performance Enhancing Drug)

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When I was young, and pursuing a career playing pro football, I remember a study that was done on the Olympics.  In this study they asked every athlete this question: if you could take a pill that would help you win the Gold but in seven years it would kill you would you do it? The results were staggering! Almost 90 percent of those polled said they would take the pill because winning the Gold medal was that important to them.  At the time I would have answered the question the same way.

Now as an older and hopefully wiser […]


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Getting out of bed this morning was harder than usual. It’s cold, and the deep chill penetrates your bones and makes it hard to get motivated. Everything moves slower and takes more effort when you’re cold. My morning routine of coffee, breakfast, shower and work has taken twice as long. Can you imagine what it was like before the discovery of fire? Life would be a colossal struggle from cradle to grave. I am glad we have fire to heat, protect, cook, provide and create! Fire has created a life of unlimited opportunities and comfort.
Our individual lives […]