Set yourself on Fire!

8:00 am
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The lighter is such a magical tool. Push a button and presto we have fire! I watch the survival shows once in and while and cannot imagine having to start a fire with a stick, rock and piece of twine!  There are no magic buttons to push to find your Passion: Fire on the inside, but there are some tips to help you create sparks. We learned in the last article that it takes a specific group of people to light our fire. Since that is the case the best way to find them is to get involved.

When I […]

Upcoming Event: Marketing & Trade Show Seminar 2014

10:44 pm
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You are all invited to a free Marketing & Trade Show Seminar on Wednesday June 11, 2014, Hope to see you all there.


8:00 am
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Forgiveness is a Weapon of Mass Destruction! Does this statement sound like it’s over the top, maybe written by someone in marketing? I would have to agree since I wrote it, and my background is indeed marketing. However, ten years ago my world view radically changed when it comes to forgiveness and how critical it is in every area of our lives.  When used sincerely and out of love, it has the power to destroy every misunderstanding, hurt, division, wall, barrier and offense that can happen between people. Forgiveness truly is the best weapon we have in relationship […]


8:00 am
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The answer to that question is based on how you answer two other questions:
1. What is passion?
2. How do I measure success?
These are important, so stop reading and answer the questions!
Let’s look at the possible answers to these questions.
What Passion is NOT: High energy drama people who run but have no visible purpose. An overly excitable cheerleader type whose mouth is always open and ears seemed to be closed. A person pursuing a product, service, business, job, power, prestige, popularity or money.
What Passion is: Someone who […]