Passion is like a PED (Performance Enhancing Drug)

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When I was young, and pursuing a career playing pro football, I remember a study that was done on the Olympics.  In this study they asked every athlete this question: if you could take a pill that would help you win the Gold but in seven years it would kill you would you do it? The results were staggering! Almost 90 percent of those polled said they would take the pill because winning the Gold medal was that important to them.  At the time I would have answered the question the same way.

Now as an older and hopefully wiser man I would not trade one moment of my future to win the Gold or any other competition or success. These things are still a driving force in my life but I found a free, legal, and safe way to achieve success – Passion! Passion is very similar to the PED’s that athletes are taking to get an edge and try and short cut the process. When you find your Passion it puts your life on steroids! There are no side effects; it’s safe, free, and accessible to everybody.

When I tried steroids many years ago it helped me become stronger and faster. It also caused depression, fierce anger, violence, was illegal, labeled me as a cheat, and cost thousands of dollars. Once I found my Passion I found that every area of my life became “stronger and faster”. It affected my relationships, abilities, attitude, character, finances, and peace of mind, happiness, fulfilment and results in every area of my life! We don’t need a drug manufactured in a lab to help us achieve our dreams; we need to find our passion and serve man-kind with it. Once you do then you to will live life as if you’re on steroids.

Find your passion and you will find your life!

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