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There are two ways we can live our lives, and both are based on our focus. The first way is focused on ourselves.  The second way is focused on others. Our focus determines everything about our lives, and a focus on others can bring peace, fulfilment, happiness, mended relationships, and overall contentment.  On the other hand, an internal focus can result in frustration, anger, bitterness, division, and discontentment.  Although in writing everything looks simple, putting this into practice is the hard part! How do we change our focus in a consistent manner? Can we wake up one day and decide to focus on others, make a New Year’s resolution or, my favorite, write it down on your day planner every day and pray for enough discipline to make it happen?

As the saying goes, been there, done that and bought the t-shirt! Before you decide to stop reading believing there is no hope, let me save you years of frustration. Passion is the vehicle to change our focus! If you have not found your passion, then here is how you manifest passion…Giving! We will not change our focus without a dramatic change on the inside, and passion is that very change. If you’re struggling to find your passion, then start practicing giving every day.

Remember the last time your car battery died and you needed to get a “jump”? You had to find someone to hook up with to share some of their energy to get your vehicle jump started. This is what we are doing when we give; except we are being proactive by looking for people we can “Jump Start”! Every day we are surrounded with people who are going through struggles. What if we decided to give some of what we have: encouragement, money, time, ability, resources, even a smile! I love small beginnings and taking baby steps. The key to manifesting passion is consistently giving. This is a marathon not a sprint, so get started with small steps and stay with it every day. Giving will help you find your passion, change your focus and jump start those who need help!

Find your passion and you will find your life!

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