
Who have you pushed lately?

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All of the personal growth that I have experienced over the years has come from someone giving me a push!


I know people that would call this bullying, but that would only be because they do not like how they feel when someone turns the light on and reveals our excuses.


A woman in an audience I spoke to came up to me after the speech and said you are a good speaker and could be great, but you are out of shape and fat. She pushed me, but at the time I hated it because […]

Ed Carcarey/Who Can I Push Today [Pod Cast]

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[Pod Cast] Ed Carcarey/How to go from Stuck to Racing in Seconds

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How to go from Stuck to Racing in Seconds

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No matter how much you love doing what you’re doing, you will eventually get stuck. Everyone gets stuck once in a while, but unfortunately, some are perpetually stuck at work when they should be Racing!


The KEY to moving from the stalled lane to the Fast lane of the work highway is to make a decision to take action. Any Action even wrong action is a million times better than no action!


Indecision is the Mother of all failures and the biggest reason why we stay stuck. You must make a decision even if it […]

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