
Passion Myth #2

5:16 am
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There is a lot of information available on the subject of Passion. Most of it is really good and helpful, but some of it is downright scary!  I learned that the hard way my first time looking it up online. The word Passion can take you to some surprising places on the internet – be careful! I spent most of my life running down one rabbit trail after another trying to fill an emptiness deep down on the inside of me that was causing discontentment and frustration. If you too have experienced this feeling, you may have asked yourself, why am […]

Passion Myth #1

5:00 pm
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We are all designed to serve people but there is a certain group of people that will unleash our passion deep down on the inside that will change everything! None of us has the ability, time, or resources to have a true passion for everyone. It is physically and emotionally impossible, but each of us has a specific group of people that we are uniquely equipped to serve. Finding who that group is will be the most important quest of your life. Find your passion and you will find your life! You will start a life of adventure, fulfillment, joy […]