Passion Myth #2

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There is a lot of information available on the subject of Passion. Most of it is really good and helpful, but some of it is downright scary!  I learned that the hard way my first time looking it up online. The word Passion can take you to some surprising places on the internet – be careful! I spent most of my life running down one rabbit trail after another trying to fill an emptiness deep down on the inside of me that was causing discontentment and frustration. If you too have experienced this feeling, you may have asked yourself, why am I here or what am I supposed to do with my life? You’re not alone. Most of us have gone through this at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, many stop searching and decide to keep the status quo and play it safe.

I found the secret to passion by accident. During my quest to find my life’s purpose, and wading through all the self-help literature out there, a man named Gregorio became my unknowing catalyst. My dream of playing professional football had ended, and I was getting started in the business and sales world when Gregorio came into my life. He was a sales trainer/consultant that the company hired for six months to guide their young team. We spent eight hours a day every day together for those six months, and I began to feel the fervor of excitement stirring within me.  Gregorio’s energy was contagious, and it changed my life forever. He had direction, conviction, and confidence.  He also had a rock solid belief that what he had was changing people’s lives.  He had enough energy to power a small community! I did not understand it at the time, nor could I tell you the exact time and day it happened, but my fire of passion kindled and was beginning to burn.

All of a sudden, I did not need an alarm clock to get up. I no longer watched the clock waiting for 5pm, nor did I resort to living for TGIF. Gregorio had a zest for life on the inside of him that I caught by being around him. The secret to passion is this: It must be caught not taught! Reading about it is a start, but you need to find a carrier, someone who oozes energy, excitement, and zeal.  Consort and connect with this person long enough and your dry wood of boredom and stale ideas will catch fire! Passion is contagious and must be caught not taught. Find your Gregorio and watch how it will set your life on fire.  Find your passion and you will find your life!

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