
Your Mission

10:01 am
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Who wants to play top secret agent on a dangerous assignment like Ethan Hawk in Mission Impossible? Working behind enemy lines under cover, eliminating the bad guys and saving the good guys! Your Mission…Should you choose to accept it… is to go to work tomorrow and pick one person to encourage.

Unfortunately, most people view their work as enemy territory, and they go in every day grudgingly at best. I want you to change your view of your work place by going in each day with an assignment to encourage or motivate one person. It can be […]

Getting offended is a trap!

8:12 am
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In my youth, my family used to go camping in up State New York. Being a kid from the suburbs of Philly, I felt like I was going to another world! There were so many trees, wildlife and stars; it was both terrifying and beautiful! One year we had a bear problem. The first couple of nights we were there, the bear was coming into the campsite and foraging for food. One night he even tore apart a steel cooler filled with food that we had on the picnic table. After that, the park rangers set up a trap to […]


8:00 am
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Forgiveness is a Weapon of Mass Destruction! Does this statement sound like it’s over the top, maybe written by someone in marketing? I would have to agree since I wrote it, and my background is indeed marketing. However, ten years ago my world view radically changed when it comes to forgiveness and how critical it is in every area of our lives.  When used sincerely and out of love, it has the power to destroy every misunderstanding, hurt, division, wall, barrier and offense that can happen between people. Forgiveness truly is the best weapon we have in relationship […]

Rain Dance of Encouragement

8:00 am
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We are experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades where we live. Everything is dry, brown, stunted and brittle. My front yard used to be green, vibrant and soft. On the weekends, I would go out barefoot and throw the football with my son. Walking on the grass used to be fun and energizing. Now we play in the street because I find it too depressing to feel the crunch of what can only be described as dry hay underfoot. All the plants, trees and flowers are learning to get by with little to no water. They are just […]