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With all of the goals and dreams I did NOT achieve in life, they have all come down to one reason: I QUIT! As I look back on my dream to play Professional Football, I like to tell people it was because I was too old and that I was not skilled enough to make it. The real reason I was not skilled enough is because at some point in the process, I QUIT but kept going through the motions.

Whether my goal was playing football, being an Entrepreneur, Speaking, or Writing a Book, it was always the […]


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At one time or another we all faced a bully. It could have been in school growing up, one of your peers at work or the invisible kind like I had to face; the fear of public speaking. Let’s focus on our fears and how we can beat the bully, because there is nothing more exhilarating than standing up to your fears and beating them up!

When I first started going to Toastmasters, to face my fear of public speaking, one of my mentors (Ted) suggested that I say YES to every opportunity. In other words he wanted me […]

Fear Factor

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At the beginning of my sophomore year in High School, my English teacher gave us a major assignment. We had to read a book, write a book report and give an oral presentation. She said that it would be a huge part of our grade. There was one small problem with this; I was too afraid to speak in front of any size group! I discussed this with my teacher, and she said that it was non-negotiable. I would have to do the oral part or fail the assignment and with my current grade (I had a […]