2017 November

[Podcast] Blind Spots

8:00 am
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The Good Steward

8:00 am
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A national Radio Company bought a group of locally owned radio stations I worked for and they told me to sign a contract if I wanted to keep my job. That contract was written specifically for me to make sure I would be a Good Steward and that I would not be an activist on their time.

At the time of the sale, I had a reputation of being very vocal about my beliefs. I would look for any opportunity to talk about what I believed no matter who it was with or where I was at.

My […]

Rush Hour

8:00 am
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I used to rush to work every day because I was late. I was late because I refused to get up when the alarm went off and that started my day going in the wrong direction!

Rush Hour is for people who do not want to succeed! The only reason we have a Rush Hour at 8 a.m. is because most people are in the same rat trap I was in many years ago.

They don’t like what they are doing and are disengaged in the whole process.  They come to work in a panic because […]

Invest in Your Future

8:00 am
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 “My father taught me always to do more than you get paid for as an investment in your future.” Jim Rohn 

I was taught this same principle by my Mom and Grandparents while growing up. Never once has this truth failed me.

If you will do more than what is expected of you, then good things will happen!

Doing more than what is asked.

Doing more than what is necessary.

Doing more than what is required.

Doing more than what you are paid for.

Doing more than what is in your job description.


Try living […]