Rush Hour

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I used to rush to work every day because I was late. I was late because I refused to get up when the alarm went off and that started my day going in the wrong direction!

Rush Hour is for people who do not want to succeed! The only reason we have a Rush Hour at 8 a.m. is because most people are in the same rat trap I was in many years ago.

They don’t like what they are doing and are disengaged in the whole process.  They come to work in a panic because all they did was rush from the time they finally got out of bed.

This will now affect their attitude, thinking, energy, creativity and ability to connect at work all day long!

At 5 p.m. they will do the Rush Hour all over again so they can escape what they refuse to like, and go home and infect their family with their stinky attitude!

Rush Hour is for people who DO NOT WANT TO SUCCEED!

I come home from work to drive my youngest son to school once a week at 8 a.m. and it is a mad house on the roads. People are driving crazy, trying to get to work on time, while putting on makeup, shaving, eating their breakfast, making calls, texting and I’ve even seen some reading reports!!

Success is not an accident! It is planned, punctual and prepared!

You have the power to change the rules of the game you are losing at right now.

Starting tomorrow set your alarm 30 minutes earlier and move it across the room so you have to get up to turn it off. Plan out your day the night before and prioritize what must get done. Get to work EARLY and arrive at every appointment you have EARLY.

When you are early, it gives you extra time to prepare your thoughts so you are not in a Rush. Being early shows others you respect and value them. Being late is lazy and irresponsible! It tells the world you do not need them or the next opportunity.


Stop following the late crowd – they will end up broke, discontented and frustrated.


Success is not an Accident – Start planning…Be punctual…Be prepared because Rush Hour is for those who want to fail in life!




Find Your Passion and You Will Find Your Life!

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