Work Ethic is the Cure for The Employee Mentality Disease

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I have jokingly told people that everyone should have to spend one year in Full Commission Sales or own their own business.

This is the best way I know to develop a Work Ethic!

I was lucky when I got out of the Military that the only job that was offered to me was a Full Commission one.

This was a rude awakening from the security the Military provided to me.

Suddenly, I was Responsible for EVERYTHING!

The first 18 months of this were incredibly hard.

It took me that long to develop the Work Ethic necessary to succeed.

I had to deal with the Employee and Entitlement Mentality.

These Mentalities are a Cancer to your Calling and the 2 biggest reasons for a POOR Work Ethic.

The BEST thing that happened to me was being Forced into Full Commission sales and then becoming a Business Owner.

Having the right Work Ethic is worth its weight in Gold!

It is one of the MOST valuable qualities one can have, and unfortunately, it is a Rare Commodity.

The good news is that since so few make the choice to have a Good Work Ethic, you will be overwhelmed with opportunities!

Once I accepted responsibility for my Calling (Work), everything changed.

Within six months of my attitude and Work Ethic changed, my income went from $600 to $5,000 per month.

I still had the same job, same boss, same product, same team, and same clients.

strong work ethic is an attitude we apply to our work that indicates a high level of Passion for what we do!

It is having a strong sense of determination and dedication to your Calling (Work).

These are some of the Characteristics of a Strong Work Ethic:


Hard Work









Poor work ethic is an attitude that demonstrates a lack of ambition and professionalism in the workplace.

These are some of the Characteristics of a Poor Work Ethic:





Lack of Responsibility

No Energy





We get to choose every day of our lives what attitude we will have in the workplace.

A Good Work Ethic is the Foundation you will need to build your future and success.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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