The top 5 Excuses I use the most!

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Your Purpose and Passion has only one true enemy…EXCUSES.

Everyone must fight this fight to grow past our fears and stop medicating our minds with Excuses.

They become a drug we use to deaden the pain of our disappointment and frustration of not pursuing our Destiny.

We use made-up reasons to cover up our internal fears and weaknesses.

Excuses are the language of quitters.

Don’t learn to speak Excusism!

The first step to recovery is identifying the lies we are telling ourselves and others.

Here is a list of my top 5 Excuses that I use the most.

                   1: There’s not enough time 

Making this Excuse means my priorities are out of control or that I do not value time.

This is the lie that Procrastinators make because we are not following our Purpose and Passion.

When you know your WHY, you will start to eliminate this excuse.

If you have passion, there is no need for excuses because your enthusiasm will trump any negative reasoning you might come up with. Enthusiasm makes excuses a nonissue. Wayne Dyer

2: I don’t have enough money 

This Lie could be because you lack the financial education and strategies needed or because you want the easy way out.

If it’s ideas and strategy you’re lacking, then commit yourself to learn and get a mentor who can help.

You will find that the more successful the individual, the less inclined he is to make excuses. David Joseph Schwartz

3: I don’t have an education

This was one I used many times and hid behind it for years.

Education was always a struggle for me, and I decided it was easier to make up lies than to do the hard work needed.

There are thousands of multi-millionaires who have nothing more than High School education. They were creative, driven, and were willing to work harder than anyone else.

Most people don’t have that willingness to break bad habits. They have a lot of excuses, and they talk like victims. Carlos Santana

4: I’m too old or too young 

People of all ages have achieved unbelievable things in every age bracket.

YOU are Never too old or too young to pursue your Purpose and Passion.

It might be more difficult. You will need to be more persistent and challenge yourself to be more creative. 

You will probably make more mistakes, BUT this is a good thing if you learn from them.

If you make no excuses, there’s nothing holding you back. Travis Browne

5: I don’t know-how

Who hasn’t made this Excuse?

This is anyone who ever faced doing something new.

All it takes to destroy this lie is PRACTICE.

Once you gain experience, confidence and belief start to grow.

Michael Jordan taught me after our game of one-on-one: A loss is not a failure until you make an excuse. When excuses are no longer an option, you can focus your attention on the job you have to do, and not why it didn’t get done. Don Yaeger

Excuses are the check engine light of your Purpose and Passion.

Once this “Light” goes on, you MUST act immediately.

These engine problems do not go away on their own – they get bigger the longer you wait to deal with them.

I am an Excuse Maker, BUT I am in recovery and working on getting stronger every day!

How about you?

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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