Service Leads to Purpose

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The most important question we must answer is What is My Purpose or WHY am I here?

“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” – Viktor Frankl

Until we know the answer to this question, our lives will be a shadow of what we were created to be and do.

I have met many people who are on a quest to “Find themselves” or, in other words looking for their Purpose.

Going on a quest to Find Yourself is the best way to remain lost, confused, and frustrated!

We waste our lives pursuing foolish things like Happiness, Prosperity, Popularity, Power, Position, Promotion, and Prestige.

All these things are good, BUT they must be in the right priority.

They cannot be what you chase or follow.

We have the formula for success backward.

You cannot start with YOU as the focus.

Your Purpose cannot be found by searching your soul, going on a quest to find yourself, or focusing on your needs.

This path will ONLY lead to confusion, disappointment, and loneliness!

The more I tried to achieve success using this formula of going after what I wanted, the more miserable and emptier I became.

I did achieve the money status that I was chasing, but it nearly destroyed my marriage and family, led me to have 2 heart attacks, and left me in a place without peace.

Yes, I did have the money, the house, the corner office, the title, and the attention of those I was trying to impress, but even with having everything I wanted, I was still unfulfilled!

When we Serve our own needs and wants, it leads us into dark places.

When we Serve others, it leads us to our Purpose!

Serving is our HIGHEST calling in life.

Serving Fulfills our deepest desires and needs.

Serving is what God created you for.

Study the life of Jesus, and you find one example after another where he served.

From washing the feet of His disciples to the decision of coming to earth and living as an ordinary man.

Christ humbled himself for the sake of serving others.

 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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