Develop Your Strengths and Delegate Your Weakness

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To be the best Entrepreneur, Leader, and or Worker, you must Develop Your Strengths and Delegate Your Weakness.

All of us have our Strengths and Weaknesses.

You have heard the saying, “Jack of all Trades is Master of None.”

Mother Teresa said it this way:

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”  

Since you cannot be great at everything, we must learn to Develop Your Strengths and Delegate Your Weakness.

Doing this is how you Leverage your strengths and the Strengths of those around you so that together you can accomplish SO much more.

Success is a Team Sport…Failure is an Individual Sport.

No one was created to do it all or to do it alone.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is your first important step.

Your strengths at work tend to be activities that you enjoy.

They’re the things that other people praise about you.

I call our Strengths Free Money because they are what God Gave us.

These are the things you were born with that come easy to you and other people marvel at.

Your Weaknesses, meanwhile, tend to be tasks that you don’t enjoy.

They’re the tasks you’d rather not do and try to avoid doing them.

These weaknesses are the cause of most of your frustration and energy drain.

For years I was a below-average salesperson. I hated the paperwork one needed to do as part of the job.

It always took me more time than the average person, and I would end up having to redo the work because of the many mistakes.

One of my mentors suggested I hire an assistant to do all the paperwork and office organization.

I fought this idea at first because I saw it as an expense I could not afford, and time I did not have to train someone.

This was shortsighted and kept me in a place of perpetual frustration, stress, and no way to make more money.

I even tried to get better at the paperwork by working on this weakness.

The result was I did get better, BUT it still took me 3 to 4 times longer to do this type of work than someone who had this as a Strength, and I still made too many mistakes!

A person who consistently works in areas of weakness will soon become drained and frustrated.

If you perform a task and it causes you to be drained and does not produce the results you want, you are working in an area of Weakness. 

My life changed when I hired someone to work on my Weakness.

Yes, it took an investment of time and money on the front end, but the results were so much more than I ever dreamed they could be.

Now my days were focused on what I do best…My Strengths.

I was so much happier, had less stress, more energy, and my sales quadrupled within 6 months.

Learn to Develop your Strengths and Delegate your Weakness!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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