Work is God’s Gift to YOU

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The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. Genesis 2:15

One of the MOST important lessons we must understand is that God gave us work as part of our Purpose!

Work is NOT a Curse, bad word, or something we should be complaining and whining about.

God created the Earth and gave us a mission to WORK.

You and I were made to WORK. It was built into us!

Once we change the way we see work, it will help reveal our Purpose & Passion.

God wants everyone to eat and drink and be happy in his work. These are gifts from God.  Ecclesiastes 3:13

Work is a GIFT to us from God!

According to Gallop and other polls, most people see work as a curse and something to complain about.

How do we change our attitudes about work since most people see it as something negative?

I am glad you asked! Here are some tips to help you get on the same page as God about Work.

1.    Design and Own the first 60 minutes of the day.

Create a routine that maximizes your Energy, Focus, and Attitude.

For many people, their mornings are chaotic and stressful. They have no plan for mornings except that they hate them!

There is a lot of information on this subject, so I suggest you do some research and start applying some of the ideas to see what works best for you.

I have been designing my mornings for 10 years and continue to tweak them to get better results.

My best results have come from this routine:

Wake up at 4 am and drink two glasses of water.

Stretching and some light exercises.

Cold shower.

Protein drink.

Listen to 10 minutes of Motivation or Inspiration.

This routine is like drinking Rocket Fuel for me. I now get more done in the first 2 hours of work than I used to do in 8 hours!

2.    Find Someone to Help.

God also created us to serve others. When we do this, we find Joy, Peace, and Energy.

Serving people is the KEY to unlocking your Purpose and Passion!

Break the cycle of Negativity in your life and others by helping them.

This will help you see your work through God’s eyes and change how you feel about your job.

3.    Detox your negative attitude about work.

Negativity is the standard state of existence; if you think the world owes you, you will attract others who feel this way.

If your circle of friends complain and whine about work, you are in a Cell, not a Circle.

Complaining is a one-way street to Frustration that builds the further you travel it.

Find those people who Love doing what they are doing.

           You have enough Turkeys; find some Eagles!

4.    For Better or for Worse.

Make the commitment to your work…Say I Do!

Burn the Exit strategy and DECIDE that this is the ONE!

No relationship can survive when you are cheating with another.

Everyone who is discontent with work is fooling around with a Mistress: Another Job, Retirement, Marrying into a wealthy family so I don’t have to work, or fantasizing about hitting the lotto!

There may come a time that you will leave your job for an opportunity that you cannot say no to, but until then, Commit to the one you have and make it work.

Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. Proverbs 22:29

Work is your God-Given Pathway to reveal your Purpose and Passion.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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