The Ripple Effect of Engagement

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Feeling engaged at work creates energy, fulfillment, contentment, and motivation to do better.

These feelings are HIGHLEY contagious, and you become a SUPER SPREADER = The Ripple Effect of Engagement.

You become a joy to be around!

Not just for co-workers and customers but also for your family, friends, and even the person waiting on you at the coffee shop!

Everyone benefits from The Ripple Effect of Engagement.

Do you truly want to Change the World?

Then figure out Why YOU are doing what you are doing.

The reason we get so frustrated with our jobs is that we see it as a paycheck only.

This is the WORST possible thing you can do with your work.

A paycheck is the LOWEST form of prosperity and the least important thing about Why you are doing what you are doing.

Creating Engagement can be a moving target, and you’re not going to feel on top of your game all the time. No one can.

Since being Engaged at work is 100% YOUR responsibility, here are some Hacks to design and reframe your job.

1.    Find Your Why.

Hint: It has to do with Helping, Serving, and Investing in PEOPLE.

It has NOTHING to do with a paycheck, benefits, promotion, or popularity.

Your WHY MUST be Bigger than you.

2.    Create Small Wins

Results are addictive and create huge amounts of Energy.

Winning is Fun, no matter how small the victories.

Start your day by cherry-picking a bunch of Small Victories first thing.

I have a handful of tasks that I do first thing in the morning that are all a few minutes long. They are things I do not want to do but are easy to get done.

By the time I get to work, my Energy levels are huge because I’ve won a

Bunch of Small Victories.

3.    Reframe your Focus

You Get to, NOT you have to work.

Once I changed my focus towards work, everything changed.

Now it’s an opportunity to help people with their dream of being successful business owners.

You decide what you focus on at work: The things you don’t like or the things that change other people’s lives for the better!

Try these hacks to Reshape your work and create a sense of Ownership and self-motivation.

Any fool can hate their work… That’s EASY!

Let’s start a Revolution and change the world using The Ripple Effect of Engagement!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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