10 ways to Stay Motivated

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Do you suffer from Manana Syndrome?

The feeling of being Unmotivated and having a lack of Focus and Energy.

Manana Syndrome is a self-inflicted mental state that decides “why should I do today that which I can do Manana!”

The lack of Motivation and Focus is an Inside Job.

ALL Motivation Must be Self-Motivation.

Prosperity, Popularity, Power, Prestige, Promotion, and Pleasure can bring temporary Motivation ONLY.

These are FAKE Motivations.

This is like eating a candy bar and then getting a 20-minute sugar high followed by a Crash!

The reason you are Unmotivated is that YOU decided to be that way!

Maintaining a Motivated life takes planning and discipline.

Here are 10 Ways to Stay Motivated.

1.    Find Your WHY

Going through life without understanding your WHY is like trying to drive your car without a steering wheel.

God designed you with a Purpose and Passion. It is YOUR Responsibility to find it.

Once you find your WHY, it will bring Clarity to your Destiny!

2.    Find the Stallions & Leave the Donkeys

You are the sum of the 10 people you are around the most.

When you surround yourself with Donkeys, you learn to be immovable, stubborn, hardheaded, and you will learn to Bray (Complain, Whine, Make Excuses, Blame, Rationalize and Gossip)

When you surround yourself with Stallions, you learn to run like the wind, act, do more, talk less, and produce stunning results!

3.    Marry Your Career to a Cause

A Career can derail your life because most of the time, the focus is only on you getting more.

If you want to find Balance and Motivation, figure out how to marry your cause to your Career.

This is like taking Performance Enhancing Drugs but without any side effects, and it’s legal!

4.    Change your Mental Diet

Turn off all the Cancer-Causing Mental Junk Food: News, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reality TV, Video Games, and fear-based music. These are your Energy Vampires!

Replace them with Motivational, Inspirational, and Educational information.

5.    Find Real Mentors

A Real Mentor is someone who cares MORE about your Future than your FEELINGS!

You already have many people in your life who care MORE about your Feelings. They are friends and Family.

We need Men and Women in our life who are not afraid to hurt our Feelings to save our Future.

6.    Organize and Minimize

Once a year, I go through my office to Organize and Minimize.

I get rid of anything I have not used in the last year, clean, rearrange and Organize everything.

This de-clutters the area and makes it SO much easier to Focus and stay Motivated.

STOP Hoarding Stuff – it will only become an anchor.

7.    Fail Forward…Take Action!

Any Action, Even WRONG Action, is BETTER than NO Action!

There is Power, Energy, Momentum, and Confidence in Taking Action.

Taking small Action steps is the Greatest way to Energize your day.

Stop waiting until you FEEL like it and DO IT NOW!

8.    Visualize what you WANT, not what you FEAR

Public Speaking has been one of my great fears in life. Out of fear, I used to visualize myself failing at every speech.

I learned to change that since I am the Producer of my Reality Show. Now I see myself succeeding at every speech. I visualize standing ovations after every opportunity to speak!

You decide what goes into your Story – make it a Great Story.

9.    Have Fun

We tell our kids always to remember to have fun at what they are doing. Time to practice what we preach!

The best way to have Fun is to help other people get what they want!

We make the mistake of thinking that Having Fun is ALL about me, and it NEVER is.

Try making it your mission to make people smile every day and see how this Motivates you – I dare you to Prove me wrong!

10. Take Smaller Bites

Big, Huge, Massive Goals are great, BUT only if you can break them down into Tiny, Itty Bitty Baby Steps.

When we don’t break the Goal down small enough, we end up choking on it!

Make the bite-sized goal so small that it makes it almost impossible not to succeed.

Staying Motivated at your Job, Marriage, School, Church, and Health are 100% YOUR responsibility.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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