Growth Doesn't Just Happen

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Growth Doesn’t Just happen with your Finances, Body, Mind, Relationships, and Spiritual Life.

I would love to have the machine that was in Captain America.

Chris Evans plays a skinny kid wanting MORE out of life.

A Scientist puts him in a machine, and Presto becomes this Greek-looking god in 60 seconds!

Sign me up for some of that!

The problem is that there is NO machine, pill, potion, hack, or shortcut to GROWTH.

You cannot bypass the work and hope to reach Success through the back door.

I have always struggled with my weight. My metabolism is such that I can smell a donut and gain weight!

There was a 10-year period where I tried every late-night TV commercial that promised EASY weight loss.

Most of them involved taking some pills with the promise of magically being transformed without ever having to change.

I loved the idea of these magic fixes because they looked easy and fast.

In those ten years of trying all the Snake-Oil Sales gimmicks, my weight went up and down like a Yo-Yo.

The result, always being heavier than when I started.

Growth Doesn’t Just Happen!

We MUST learn to live with Purpose and Intentionality.

You are not going to change for the good because of your Good Intentions.

Our Good Intentions will ONLY lead us to Hell on Earth. They will corrupt and detour our lives from our true Purpose and Passion.

Today we live in a world that gives us access to ANY information we need to help us GROW.

You have the opportunity to research, read, study and follow all the strategies to Succeed.

The problem is NOT that we don’t know what to do.

The Problem is we do NOT want to DO what it takes to Grow.

Growth in any of the areas of life will be HARD work.

I now work out six days a week, cut out processed food, drink only water and get the right amount of sleep my body needs.

This has been incredibly hard BUT also Unbelievably rewarding.

Knowing is NOT the Same as DOING.

Live with Purpose as your guide, NOT Pleasure.

Growth Doesn’t Just Happen.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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