Fortune Favors the Bold

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This is a Latin Proverb attributed to Terence (190-159 B.C.)

Life is NOT responsible to give you everything you want!

Instead, it only presents you with opportunities, and it is up to you to make the most out of them because Fortune Favors the Bold!

In 1989 the Military presented me with an “Opportunity.”

We were gathered in a huge auditorium and told that the Air Force needed volunteers to discharge early.

Congress had decided to cut back and shrink the size of the Military.

I was one of the first people to raise their hand and accept the Opportunity life presented.

Fortune Favors the Bold

This was not something I had talked over with my wife or had been preparing for.

My hand went up without thinking. If I had thought about it, I would NOT have done it!

The thought of leaving the Service, after eight years, with no job, home, or money was terrifying!

Two weeks later, I was a Civilian again with no safety net.

The following two years were incredibly hard, and many times I questioned my decision.

Looking back, it was one of the BEST decisions I ever made!

This forced me to find my Purpose & Passion.

Fortune Favors the Bold

You will never find the life God has created you for by playing it safe.

Taking no risks and bubble wrapping your life is the MOST dangerous place to be!

Greatness can only be had when you are stepping outside your comfort zone.

The best opportunities will not reveal themselves to you until you live your life with Boldness and Courage.

You do NOT have to be a special person to do this.

Being Brave doesn’t mean you are not scared. We are ALL SCARED!

Courage is taking the step, making the decision, or swinging the bat when everything on the inside is screaming not to.

Any action, even the wrong action, is better than no action!

My choice to leave the Military lead me to my Calling, and I cannot imagine my life without it!

Fortune Favors the Bold

What is fear holding you back from in your life?

Pick one area and say YES to the thing that scares you – Take a Risk.

Start with something small and do it NOW.

Don’t Wait. Don’t Think. Don’t Hesitate. Don’t Ask a Friend. Don’t Google it.

Fortune Favors the Bold

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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