Hesitation is the Enemy!

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“Hesitation is the enemy. It allows the moment to pass, the opportunity to be lost, the enemy to get the upper hand.” ~ Jocko Willink

Fear is the Puppet Master behind Hesitation.

It wants YOU to live a life of indecision where you have a foot on either side of the fence.

The most dangerous place in the world to be is a Fence-Sitter!

Most of the regrets I have in life stem from Hesitating when an opportunity presented itself.

A large media group asked me years ago to do a 30-minute show on sales training at their stations.

At the time, I was doing local sales training for a radio group, and they heard some of the content and reached out to me.

This was a dream of mine to speak and reach a large audience, but I had no idea how to accomplish this.

I told them no because I did not think I was ready. Fear and doubt filled my mind.

The only answer to this question should have been YES!

There is ONLY one way to overcome fear and build the confidence you need to feel like you are ready…SAY YES!

The opportunity that was presented to me went away quickly. I tried reaching out to them a few days later once my courage returned, but it was TOO LATE.

The Enemy of Fear and Hesitation wants to kill your Purpose and Passion.

All that has to happen to derail your dreams is to give in to your fears and Hesitate.

Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true. – Patrick Swayze

The best way I have found to beat the overwhelming fear that rises when presented with a choice that scares you is the 5 Second Rule.

The 5-second rule is the moment you have a desire to act on a goal, count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and physically move, or your brain will stop you with an excuse.

Say YES immediately, and Take Action, or Hesitation will grip you like quicksand!

This process will help to change many of your behaviors.

There are 5-second moments all day long – wake up early, eat good food, exercise, turn off the TV, volunteer, go to work with energy and excitement, be a mentor, and speak up in a meeting.

This is a better alternative to sitting there and worrying or complaining about it.

There is no such thing as the right time or the feeling of being ready; just count and DO IT!

The formula for failure is simple – Do nothing, play it safe, and avoid any risk.

Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation. – Thomas Huxley

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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