Communication Keys

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Understanding Communication Keys are essential for Success in life, work, and relationships.

According to a study published by The International Journal of Business Communication, managers were asked to rank the skill sets in hiring university graduates.

The study showed that the most desirable quality in a new hire is effective communication skills!

They concluded that good communication skills are more important than ever for business and professional success.

Since Communication is SO important to our Success, we better learn the Keys.

The inability to communicate effectively will hold you back not only in your careers but in social and personal relationships.

4 Communication Keys

1.    Connection is more important than Content.

You have 7 seconds to Connect with whoever you are speaking with. Think of it like your cell phone. Your goal is to have 5 bars because, without Connection, everything else will not matter!

No matter how good your message is, if they do not understand you or decide to tune you out, your communication will fail.

2.    Know your audience.

The size of the audience does not change the fact that you must know who they are. I have two sons, and to reach them, I have to use two different types of messages. This is not a one-size-fits-all. The more you know about your audience, the better you will be able to customize the message to fit them.

3.    Bring the Energy and Belief.

There is nothing more boring and tedious than listening to someone reading from notes or never getting out of first gear. Roller coasters are one of the favorite rides because they go fast, then slow, whip you around a corner, and surprise you.

Your audience will conclude that you do not believe in what you are trying to communicate without Energy and Belief. This is your seasoning!

4.    Tell Stories.

We are hard-wired to listen to stories. The greatest communicators have learned it’s the Story that opens the hearts and minds of your audience. Share the facts and figures after the story opened the door.

Stories are your Greatest Communication Key!

Your entire life is decided on your ability to Communicate effectively.

This is a skill we must learn and develop and one that everyone can do.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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