You Get What You Pay For

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I love to get a deal and feel like I saved money, but this usually results in “You Get What You Pay For”!

We used to buy a new vacuum cleaner every year or two, and each time I would buy the cheapest one we could find.

These vacuums would drive me crazy because I would have to go over and over the same section of carpet to pick up dirt.

They had NO sucking power, would break down in under two years, and did not filter pollen or any allergy particles.

It took me 10 years to figure that buying the cheapest vacuum was NOT working.

I can still remember the look on my wife’s face when I proudly came home with our new $1,000 vacuum.

She never said the words, but her look said, “What an Idiot”!

This new vacuum picks up everything the first time, including pollen, and we have had it now for over 20 years.

It cost me MORE money and time over the years to buy cheap than to invest in quality.

You Get What You Pay For!

Life will also give us what we pay for.

Do you want success in your Spiritual, Relational, Emotional, Physical, and Financial lives?

How much are you willing to pay to achieve success in each of these areas?

We cannot look for bargains and hope to achieve quality of life.

Success in any area will be a HUGE investment of your Time, Money, Abilities, Attitude, and Resources.

You must stop negotiating with and treating success like a Garage Sale if you truly want to have the life of your dreams!

I challenge you to Audit these 5 areas of your life and see how much or little you have invested in them to achieve your goals.

You Get What You Pay For in Life.

There are no shortcuts, easy ways, or cheat codes to win in life.

Success has a price, and you cannot find it in the Dollar Store!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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