12 Tips to Spice up Your Love Life!

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Do you remember how you felt when you or the person you asked said YES?

It was exciting, wonderful, and overflowing with joy at the idea of sharing your life with your Job!

Do not hate me, but your job needs the same care, attention, and desire that your marriage does.

Marriages fail because we stop doing the small things we did when we were courting our spouse.

Jobs fail for the same reason…We fall out of love because we forget to feed the fire!

According to Gallop and Harris polls, most Americans have fallen out of love with their work (70%).

There are times when we have to leave a job (Divorce), but this is the exception, not the rule.

This does NOT have to happen if you learn to Spice up Your Love Life.

My wife and I have been married for almost 38 years now, but there was a time when things got really rough. A friend encouraged us to get marriage counseling and take a class with a few other couples to Spice up our Love Life.

It was one of the best decisions we ever made for our marriage. Most of what we learned were simple things we just stopped doing over time.

Here is my top 10 list to put some Sizzle back in the Board or Bed Room:

1. Light it up

There is a lot of research on the value and importance of light. It contributes to your effectiveness, efficiency, and happiness. Think of how you can change the mood when you set up candles in the bedroom!

2. Mix it up

Rearrange your office or space. This is like dressing up occasionally to go on a special date.

3. Breakfast of Champions

This is the MOST important meal of the day. It sets you up to be productive and prevents you from snacking on junk food during the day.

4. Exercise at Lunch

Take a break in the middle of the day. Go to the gym, take a walk around the block, get the blood flowing. This will benefit you no matter what Room you are in!

5. Take strategic Time Outs

Elite coaches know when their team needs a quick time out to regroup and change the momentum. Step away and take a breath.

6. Look for ways to be a Blessing

Take a coworker to lunch, write someone an encouraging letter, volunteer for something you are not comfortable with. They are small but meaningful gestures that will reap huge benefits for you and the company. Bless 1 person per day.

7. Mentor Someone

Look for someone who is struggling and offer to help. Take them under your wing and help them change from Clark Kent to Superman!

8. Make a To-Do List

Having a daily plan sets you up for success. Winging it every day sets you up for a divorce! Plus, it’s super satisfying to check things off your list!

9. Put your Cape on

Dress for success means your attire affects your attitude and altitude.

Come to work dressed casually, and someone else will be courting your spouse/Job! Your attire reveals how you feel about your love life.

10. Find & Fly with Eagles

We eventually become who we hang around with, so be an Eagle, not a Turkey.

Eagles mind their own business and get the job done silently.

Turkeys love drama and are always loudly expressing their dislike of the job.

11. Become the CIO

The CIO is the Chief Inspirational Officer. Every company needs at least one. The CIO decides to focus on the good they see, not the bad. Any fool can point out what is wrong with a spouse or job. It takes Strength and Wisdom to look for the good.

12. Stay Connected

You were specifically designed to work by God. Work was meant to be a BLESSING to you. He did not make a mistake, so make sure to stay connected to your GPS, or you will find yourself in a dark and hopeless place.

We will be married to a job for many years, so it is important that we have fun, peace, and joy in this relationship.

My marriage and job radically changed when I started adding some sizzle back into the Board and Bedroom!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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