I Can’t Verses You Can’t

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If you are looking for an Excuse to quit on your Purpose and Passion, then I Can’t, or You Can’t are perfect!

I Can’t is a lie we tell ourselves and others to protect our Egos and give us a Hall Pass for quitting.

You Can’t is a lie others tell you to protect their Ego’s and give you a Hall Pass for Quitting. (This makes them feel good since they already quit on their Purpose & Passion).

They are the same lie being told, and we treat them like they are TRUTH!

These two lies are the Kryptonite to fulfilling your Purpose and Passion.

One of my High School teachers told me in front of class one day, “Mr. Carcarey, you will never amount to anything. You will never succeed in my class or life”.

I was failing her class and had a terrible attitude about school.

Hearing someone tell you that You Can’t usually does 1 of 2 things:

1.      You get angry and work to prove them wrong (Small minority chooses this one).

2.      You get angry and work to prove them right (Large Majority choose this one).

From the moment that teacher told me, “You Can’t,” I dedicated the rest of my High School years to prove she was correct.

I believed I was given a Hall Pass to be a terrible student, and by the time I graduated, there were only a few students who had a worse GPA than I did.

The teacher was wrong in how she tried to teach and/or motivate me, BUT I was the one who had a choice on how I would respond.

It was MY responsibility to change my life, but instead, I took the EASY way out.

Every time someone talked to me about my lack of effort and poor attitude, I would show them my Hall Pass!

This was a lie, and deep down, I knew that, but it was easier to quit than accept responsibility.

There is NO difference between the two lies: I Can’t, and You Can’t are the same animal.

There is ONLY one report about you that you need to accept and believe…God’s Report.

No matter how bad your History is, today is a New Day, and God wants to use that past as fertilizer for your Future success.

Your Purpose and Passion are within your reach, and you have every skill, talent, and ability needed to realize it!

Get up and rub some dirt on your past boo-boo and try again!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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