Create your own Energy!

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Do you struggle to get out of bed in the mornings?

Are you lethargic, unmotivated, and feel like you are running in peanut butter all day?

Do you need copious amounts of coffee, energy drinks, and pills to make it through the day?

Does your job seem boring and bland?

If any of these apply, then you are part of the MAJORITY of people in the world!

Being in the Majority is rarely a good thing, and if you are part of this group, you have forfeited your Purpose and your Passion.

We will not generate any energy when we are getting by living a Meaningless life (A Life without Purpose or Passion).

This type of life is like running your air conditioner in your car with the windows open when it is 110 degrees outside.

You are wasting an immense amount of Energy to cool the inside of the car when all you must do is close the windows to create a wonderful environment.

Now for some good news. This condition can change today, and YOU are the catalyst to that change.

You have within you an unlimited amount of Energy.

This is a Green & Clean Energy Source, meaning you do not need to rely on fake energy sources that will never fix the actual problem.

Passion is the greatest Green & Clean Energy source.

You already have it; you just need to figure out how to harness it.

Solar Panels were created to harness the FREE Energy of the Sun. They convert this into power that you can run your entire household on for a fraction of the cost of electricity or gas.

You were built with Solar Panels already installed on the inside…Your Purpose & Passion!

These Solar Panels will harness the Power God created for you to run your entire life on.

Too many people have these Panels covered out of fear or ignorance, and that will always lead to a life without true meaning and devoid of Energy.

The simplest way to uncover these panels is to act, and The BEST action you can take today is to VOLUNTEER.

Get involved with something that is BIGGER than you and has nothing to do with making more money.

True Value and Energy are created when we devote our lives to helping others.

This is how you create an unlimited amount of Green & Clean Energy.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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