The Snowball Effect

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I learned about the Snowball Effect the first time we were in debt up to our eyeballs.

It is a strategy where you pay off the debt in order of the smallest to the largest.

This slowly gains momentum as you pay off each balance. When the smallest debt is paid in full, you roll the money you were paying on that debt into the next smallest balance.

We were able to be debt-free in 16 months using this principle.

When we first started doing this, I thought it would never end because, in the beginning, the process is so slow and insignificant.

The same thing happens on a roller coaster ride.

You are moving at a snail’s pace straight uphill, thinking this is slow and boring.

That changes rapidly once all that momentum catches up and you are screaming downhill doing things you never thought possible.

This is the Snowball Effect and one of my favorite ways to succeed in life.

Most people give up on their goals because they overwhelm themselves with ridiculous expectations.

You know when this is happening because you will start to make excuses as to why you cannot succeed at your goal:

I don’t have the same opportunities as others.

I don’t have money.

I don’t have a college degree.

I don’t have a good support group.

The Snowball Effect is the best tool I know of to overcome every “Debt/Excuse” you have in life!

The process is amazingly simple.

Work 1% harder than the people you are currently working with now.

According to Gallop polls done each year, most people are NOT working that hard.

Doing 1% more than someone who is barely doing enough to keep their job is not a lot of extra effort.

The magic of this process takes some time to accumulate, but once you hit that tipping point, life will radically change.

Michael Jordan’s College coach tells the story of how Mike came to him one day and said, “Coach, I want to be the greatest player to ever play here.”

His coach told him he would have to work harder than any of the other players if he wanted to be the best because if you only work as hard as the others, you will be just like them!

Work 1% harder than the others, and over time, YOU will become the greatest worker/manager/owner ever.

That little bit applied consistently every day will Snowball into greater and greater opportunities.

Over a lifetime, a small advantage can compound over the months or years, leading to huge successes later in life.

In situations like these, being just a little bit better can lead to dramatic results.

The margin between good and great is VERY narrow!

The 1% Rule states that over time the majority of the rewards will accumulate to the individual that does 1% MORE than others.

You do not need to be twice as good to get twice the results.

You just need to be a Little Better!

You can start today, regardless of your situation, by applying the 1% Rule and Snowball the results over time.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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