How NOT to Talk about Your Problems

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“Life without problems is a school without lessons.”


I was told there are 3 types of people:

1.    Those going into a Problem.

2.    Those in the Middle of a Problem.

3.    Those coming out of a Problem.

If you are breathing, YOU will have Problems!

The key is How to Talk about Your Problems.

There are a few correct ways and a whole lot of wrong ways to do it.

If your goal is to keep your Problems, then do these 5 things:

1.    Expose Yourself on Social Media Platforms. Your life is essentially the man in the trench coat who runs around “Exposing himself” for all the world to see. Since most people either don’t care about your problems or are happy to see you have them, this method is foolish.

2.    Complaining. The difference between talking about your problems and complaining is…Responsibility. Complaining takes NO responsibility and does NOT want answers. They want you to be a Hairy Lidded Trash can that they can throw up in, and when you’re done, they say, “Thank you Sir, May I have another!”

3.    You Pick The Wrong People To Talk To.  Sitting in the gym one day, I hear one overweight man ask another overweight man the best way to lose weight! Only talk to those people who have a proven track record in the area of your need.

4.    Giving Your Problems The Silent Treatment. They are NOT going away on their own. Like Cancer, a problem wants to get bigger! Fear & Ego keep our mouths shut, which is a great way to make Mountains out of Mole Hills!

5.    Don’t Talk To God. Why talk to the one who can help solve Every Problem! God knows & understands the words you can’t speak, the thoughts that are slowly destroying you, and the extent of your pain. God knows what you don’t yet, and He will NOT judge. God listens. He stays with you when everyone leaves.

Dragging your Butt out of a hole can take a lot of time and effort but learning How to Talk about Your Problems prepares you for Victory!

“Problems are the gifts that make us dig out and figure out who we are, what we’re made for, and what we’re responsible to give back to life.”

Tony Robbins

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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