The Price of Freedom

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Freedom is not free! It will cost you your Feelings.

Your Freedom is fragile.

What you won through a hard fight…can be easily lost.

“God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it.”

Daniel Webster.

We will be tempted daily to exchange our Freedom for those things we desire:

Power, Prestige, Popularity, Position, and Prosperity are some of the main culprits.

There have been many times that I have sold out my Birth Right in exchange for the easy way.

I was not willing to Pay the Price for my Purpose and Passion.

Following our Feelings (Desires) leads us into slavery.

2 Peter 2:18-19 (NLT). “They brag about themselves with empty, foolish boasting. With lustful desire as their bait, they lure back into sin those who have just escaped from such wicked living. They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves to sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you.”

If our Feelings control us, then we will become Slaves to those habits.

Freedom has limitations and boundaries.

Liberty is not a license to do as we please!

Most people are concerned that our Country is losing Her Freedoms, and I would agree.

This can only happen if we as individuals give up our Personal Freedom FIRST!

Our Country will go as we go.

Here are just a few of the warning signs that we are following our Feelings.

1. Human life is devalued and rationalized.

2. A disregard for Biblical truth and absolutes. No standard or boundaries.

3. Choosing Profit ahead of integrity.

4. Self-indulgence instead of self-control.

5. Tolerating evil and eventually calling it good.

It is easy for most of us to point out the wrongdoing in leaders, bosses, neighbors, and others, BUT Personal Freedom can ONLY come through Personal Responsibility.

Here are some specific steps you can take to Remain Free.

1.     Admit you have a problem and confess it.

Accept responsibility for your life – it is YOUR Fault, no one else’s.

Confession is the 1st step to Restoration and Freedom.

2.     Trust God’s Plan for your life

Fight the desire to take control and do things your way…This is Slavery.

Depend on God’s Strength, not yours. Let Him drive…He has GPS!

3.     Replace the Bad Habit with a Good Habit.

You must fill the void with something Good, or you will return to your Vomit!

4.     Find a good Mentor, Accountability Partner, Advisor, or Support group.

Choose wisely who you surround yourself with and get information from.

A Good Mentor will care more about your Future than your Feelings!

Be willing to pay the Price for your Purpose and Passion…They are your Birth Right!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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