The Honeymoon is Over

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The honeymoon phase is a temporary period of a relationship where everything seems and feels perfect.

This stage is like being on cocaine! (Not my words but a marriage therapists’ words – Mom, I Never tried Cocaine).

You have More motivation, More energy, and More excitement.

It is drug-like because it is a very real physical experience.

The problem with the Honeymoon…It will end!

What happens when the Honeymoon is Over?

This is where the real WORK begins.

The average length of a marriage in the US is 7 years.

The average length of a Job in the US is 4.1 years.

Most people will hold 12 or more jobs in their lifetimes, and one of the biggest reasons for this…The Honeymoon is Over!

There are many good reasons to leave your job, but unfortunately, the biggest reason is the fun part has worn off (Honeymoon).

Honeymoons on the job last for up to 18 months, but most are over long before that.

How do you keep the flame alive between you and your job?

We do it the same way you rekindle a relationship.

1.   Remember your WHY: Why you do what you do is your God-Given Purpose on this earth. You will need to remember this when things get hard, and they will!

2.   Manage Your Expectations: Your job is not your Knight in Shining Armor come to fix all your problems. Fulfilling your Purpose will take WORK.

3.   Invest in Your Co-Workers: Your focus should always be on how do I help others succeed. To start, pick 1 co-worker and invest yourself into them.

4.   Volunteer: Find a cause at your Company and Volunteer to run it or be a part of it. This will help rekindle your Passion.

5.   Job Therapy: Like couples, therapy will help you navigate the good and the not-so-good times. They are called Mentors!

It is YOUR responsibility to Earn the Romance back in your Job!

When we leave a job because the Honeymoon has ended, we become a politician who is constantly campaigning but NEVER working!

We are better than this!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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