How to Find Your Passion

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A farmer in Africa heard stories of people who struck it rich in diamonds. He decided to sell his farm and join the others prospecting for diamonds.

The farmer spent the rest of his life searching, and with nothing to show for his years of work, he ended up committing suicide.

The man who bought his farm was walking his new property and found a unique stone in a stream.

He had no idea what it was, but since it was nice-looking, he placed it on his mantle.

One day a friend came to his house and noticed the stone. The farmer had no idea what he had found!

That stone was the largest diamond ever discovered, and the stream on his farm was filled with similar stones. Turns out, it was the most productive diamond mine in all of Africa.

You can find this story in the book Acres of Diamonds.

The moral of the story is simple and reveals How to Find Your Passion!

Whatever job or relationships you have, and wherever you live, you are surrounded by everything you will ever need.

Your Passion is around you all day long, but most of us are blind to this fact, just like the African Farmer was to all the Diamonds.

We think we must “Go Find Ourselves” or that since the grass looks greener somewhere else, we have to go there to find what we are looking for.

This principle is found throughout Scripture. In Matthew 10:39 it says:

“If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.

The Farmer did this when he sold his land to go looking for Diamonds.

He wanted to do it his way. To control his life and focus on building his own wealth.

To find your Passion, the Purpose which God created you for, is found right where you are NOW!

The First step to seeing it is to Give up Your Life – Stop chasing Stuff!

Stop Chasing Money, Fame, Promotion, Power, and Position.

Stop wishing you were someone else, living in another place, working another job, or married to someone different.

Chasing after ALL this stuff will lead you to a life of frustration, disappointment, loneliness, and disillusion.

Once you stop chasing ALL this Stuff you can now start seeing ALL the Diamonds around you.

        “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Mahatma Gandhi

All the Stuff we think we need and that we think will make us happy can be found in serving others.

Spend at least the same amount of time thinking about how to help others as you do about how to help yourself.

You are sitting on a Diamond Mine right where you are NOW.

The new job, house, spouse, and address are just decoys!

The Farmer who sold his land did not SEE the Diamonds around him because he was so focused on his own life.

To Find Your Passion, YOU must first LOSE your idea of your life!

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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