Revival or Revolution?

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The fate of our Nation stands at a crossroad… Revival or Revolution?

Will we choose to Repent, turn right towards Revival, or Rebel and turn left towards Revolution.

Too many of us are sitting, watching, and hoping things will change for the better.

We are NOT on the sidelines watching this drama play out.

You must decide which way YOU will go…Revival or Revolution?

This is a decision WE must make individually because if you do not, then you have chosen Revolution by default!

Revival is trusting God in all areas of your life, even when you find yourself in the middle of the storm.

This is not a popular decision in today’s society and will bring persecution and pressure to your life.

The fear of being labeled, ostracized, and falsely accused will cause many to choose the Mob Mentality.

“Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.” Matthew 24:12

As the darkness deepens, we must serve as salt and light to those around us.

We must stand for God and His Word and refuse to give in to the demands of the world’s way.

Revival will bring you peace, hope, and the desire to serve the people around you.

Revolution is trusting the Government, your own strength, and the Mob who wants to use force to change society.

This decision will be popular because it calls for everyone else to change and NOT those who are seeking Revolution.

Many will follow this out of fear, ignorance, and anger.

The overwhelming majority of Revolutions have not ended well:

The Bolshevik Revolution and Joseph Stalin’s led to the execution of more than 20 million people in twelve years. Stalin consolidated his power through the Great Purge to expel those who disagreed with him in any way.

The Chinese Communist revolution from 1949 to 1976 is believed to have killed between 40 and 70 million people.

You might be asking, “But wasn’t America birthed out of a revolution, too?”

Yes, so let’s compare the American Revolution with the French Revolution.

In the American Revolution, our individual freedoms were controlled by our trust in God and living by His Word.

Like all revolutions, the French Revolution was to achieve social justice through the government, media, and education.

We must decide to humble ourselves before God and trust that His way is the only way (Repentance & Revival)!

If we do not, then we will allow ruthless people to rule over us because we are not capable of self-governance (Rebellion & Revolution).

No matter what direction our Country or your friends and the family decide, YOU must choose Revival.

Find Your Passion…Find Your Life!

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